Monday, 25 August 2008

I Like...

My favourite sports are Swimming and football soccer. I support the mexican football team: "Los Pumas" wich are in my opinion the best! I like to research about their history and about their football players who became leyends of football.
This is the official site of the team:

I also like to listen to music. My favourite band is The Beatles, (I'm sure you know them) because they were awsome, their songs are the best because they are (according to John Lennon) the best way to fight without violence or weapons, and the music is good. They were the most brilliant people working together. My favourite Beatle is Paul Mccartney (I talk in present because for me, all of them, even if they're dead, will be forever The Beatles).

Tuesday, 19 August 2008


Writing is one of my hobbies and I really enjoy doing it.
Everything started with my father, although he writes about language, he always told me to write my ideas, it's useful when you want to write about something you are interested. Well I invite you to read my blog at any time and I will try to do my best for you to like it (and because this is an asigment for my English class). Well thank you!