The Oscars are the most important cinematography awards for many people and their rating is higher than any others (Novel, Grammys, Golden Globes, etc.).
Every year designers, musicians, engineers and architects prepare themselves for making the next theatre modern and glamorous; a hard work that in the end, it’s always very grateful.
Many fans wish that his favorite actor/actress, director or movie will get the golden statue this time and many others just wait patiently to see how a wonderful night will became even better than last time (which seems impossible).
Of course after 81 years celebrating the Academy Awards many people have started to think that this is a fake and that they are now boring because they present the same actors and the same categories. These people should understand that although they are the same categories (and some are the same actors) every year there are different movies (which get better effects, music, etc.) and we get to know better how many people work for making the film. The academy is very accurate with their decisions and many people agree with them. Every time they are about to announce who the winner is we still fill excitement and tension about knowing it.
But now the questions are: Heath Ledger was the real winner? Did his death was what made him win? Well I think that he really deserved the award because his performance took the Joker to another level; he gave his life to the character.